Luke Versace

Name: Luke Versace

DOB: 23/7/1982

Joined: April 2013 – April 2014 (Retired)

Occupation: Teacher

Nickname: The Bull

Pet Distance: 120m

Favourite Event: Stawell

Race Wins: 4 (2011 Maryborough 400m, 2014 Rye 400m, 2014 Wangaratta 400m, 2014 Stawell Gift)

Career Highlight: Winning the 2014 Stawell Easter Gift

Athletic Inspiration: Gary Ablett Snr, Tiger Woods, Kieren Perkins and Kenny Powers

Favourite Quote: “cometh the hour, cometh the man”

Most Memorable moment in Athletics: Watching Steve Hooker win the Pole Vault at the World Championships off one jump due to carrying an injury

2013/14 Results: Terang 400m (6th), Northcote 400m (5th), Daylesford 400m (4th), Rye 400m (1st), St Albans 120m Gift (5th), Wangaratta 400m (1st), Stawell 120m Gift (1st) ***Armstrong Athletics Athlete of the Year 2013/14***

About me: Known as the ‘Peoples Champ’ or the ‘The Champ’ I started Professional Athletics with one aim and one aim only; to win the Stawell Gift and at the end of my career nothing has changed. IT IS ALL ABOUT STAWELL!

Whilst I may not have always given myself the best chance to succeed and at times have resembled a front rower more than an athlete, the dedication and commitment of Brad has seen me return to my best in 2014