Alex Saliu

Name: Alex Saliu

DOB: 18/08/1991

Joined: February 2014 – April 2015

Occupation: Student

Nickname: Horse

Pet Distance: 400m

Favourite Event: Bay Sheffield

Race Wins: 12 (2007 Ballarat 100m U21, 2007 Tea Tree Gully 200m U20, 2007 Flagstaff 400m U20,  2007 Marion 300m U20, 2007 Stawell Bill McManus Backmarkers 400m, 2008 Marion 300m Open, 2009 Flinders 200m Open, 2009 Pre Bay Sheffield 120m U20, 2011 Camden 400m Consolation, 2013 Loxton 300m Open, 2013 Pre Bay Sheffield 120m, 2014 Tea Tree Gully 70m Open)

Career Highlight: Winning the 2007 Stawell Bill McManus Backmarkers 400m Handicap

Athletic Inspiration: Bradley Armstrong & Kai Greene

Favourite Quote: “If you want something you’ve never had, you’ve gotta do something you’ve never done before”

Most Memorable moment in Athletics: When the black flag went up and Luke Versace had won the 2014 Stawell Gift